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Anamnese Bingo Psych Kaarten Gratis Pdf

Anamnese Bingo Psych Kaarten Gratis Pdf Afdrukbaar spel, Title: Anamnese Bingo
:Card Name:This is for reference only. You can enter name of the game followed by your name if you want credit for this game publicly.
:Your Name:Optional. If this card makes to the front page, you will be credited for creating it.
:Card Title:Title is shown on top of each bingo card.
:Grid Items:Enter numbers, words or phrases, each one on a new line.

Column Mode:
To specify word lists per column, separate each word list by -c- in a line by itself. Example
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:Grid Images:Support for-
  1. Upto 36 images.
  2. Multiple or Single image upload.
  3. Upto 5 MB file size per image.
  4. You can specify both Grid Items & Grid Images.
  5. Click on the image or label to edit label or delete image.
  6. If background of an image changes to black, either remove the transparency or reduce the image size < 10KB.
    :Show Image Labels:Show Image labels or not on the bingo cards. Image labels are always shown on the calling card.
    :Tag(s):Optional: Enter one or more tags separated by comma(s).

    Example: tag1, tag2, tag3
    :Rastergrootte (Kolommen x Rijen):Grid size in Columns x Rows format.
    :Free Space Cell:Free space is usually the center square of the card. It is like a joker or a wild square, and counts towards the winning pattern.
    :Free Space Text:Text to show in the Free Space Cell.

    To show an image instead, see below-
    1. Go to Image tab.
    2. In the Grid Images field, click on "Add Image" button.
    3. Select the desired image on your device.
    4. Once uploaded, enter the text @img01; in the free space text field.
    :Randomize?:Select Yes to generate random cards. If No is selected, all cards will have the same text, which might be usefull in educational or quiz settings.
    :Max. Font Size:Pick a smaller font size to prevent very large text in some cases.
    :Title Text Color:Title text color.
    :Title Back Shape:Title background shape.
    :Title Back Color:Title background color.
    :Title Border Color:Title background border color.
    :Title Transparency:Title background transparency.
    :Cell Text Color:Grid Text color.
    :Cell Back Color:Grid background color.
    :Cell Border Color:Grid line color.
    :Cell Back Shape:
    • Background shape for cells.
    • Select "Custom" to upload your own image.
    • You can use Cell Transparency setting to change how prominently the image shows.
    • If you select a shape other than Grid, you may have to increase Cell Spacing if you want to fit the text inside the shape.
    • Don't see the selected image?
      Set Cell Transparency <50.
    :Cell Padding:Empty space inside each cell between border and text.
    :Cell Spacing:Space between any 2 cells.
    :Cell Transparency:0% makes grid background opaque. Higher setting makes grid background transparent allowing card background image or card background color to show.
    :Card Back Color:Card background color.
    :Card Border Color:Card outside border color.
    :Card Border Width:Outside border width.
    :Card Border Style:Yes makes the card corners rounded.
    :Card Padding:Empty space between card border and card contents.
    :Card Back Image:Background image for the whole card. Select "Custom" to upload your own image. You can use Grid Transparency setting to change how prominently the image shows behind the grid.

    Don't see the selected image?
    • Set Card Transparency >50.
    • Set Card Border Width >0 or Card Padding >0.
    • Set Cell Transparency >50.
    :Card Custom Image:You can upload your own image as the background image. Supported file types are .png and .jpg.
    :Card Image Fill:Select how the background image covers the whole card. You can also choose to repeat the image.
    :Card Transparency:Card image transparency.
    :Quiz Separator:If words on each line are separated by this text, then bingo card will only show the text on the right side of the separator. The call list will show the whole text.
    :Visibility:Public: Anyone can see your card, including search engines

    Private: Only you can see and edit the card. You will need to be signed in.

    Click to Sign-Up « Free!!!

    Click to Sign-In
    :Starting Card Number:Starting card number. Currently up to 100 cards per pdf is supported. To generate cards more than 100, change the starting number.

    For example, for 1st pdf, set starting card number to 1, for 2nd pdf, set starting card number to 101, and so on.

    Note: If this is not 1, then call list (index card) will not be printed.
    :Number of Cards:Number of cards to generate and include in the Full PDF. The Preview button will always generate only 1 card.

    You can print up to 100 cards at a time. To generate cards more than 100, change the starting number. For example-
    1. Set Number of Cards = 100
    2. To print cards 1-100,
      set Starting Card Number = 1
    3. To print cards 101-200,
      set Starting Card Number = 101
    4. To print cards 201-300,
      set Starting Card Number = 201
    5. and so on...
    :Print Call List:Select Yes to include call list in the Full PDF.
    :Paper Size:Printer paper size.
    :Paper Orientation:How to print on paper, ie paper orientation. Printed cards might look better one way or the other.
    :Kaarten per pagina (Kolommen x Rijen):Arrangement of cards on each page of paper.
    :Card Hor. Margin:Horizontal margin on left and right sides of each card.
    :Card Ver. Margin:Vertical margin on top and bottom sides of each card.
    :Ink Saver:Colors: Removes background to save ink for printing.

    B&W: Removes background & changes colors to black & white to save ink for printing.
    :Empty Space:Select amount of empty space to keep in each cell for participants to write something.

    This feature is also called human bingo, people bingo, social bingo, get-to-know bingo or ice breaker bingo.

    Vergelijkbare Bingo Kaarten: , ,
    Anamnese Bingo Psych Kaarten Gratis Pdf Spel

    Je kunt dit "Anamnese Bingo Psych Kaarten Gratis Pdf" spel eenvoudig aanpassen door op de knop "Wijzigen" hierboven te klikken. U kunt Nummerbingo, Woordbingo, Quizbingo aanpassen; Rastergrootte, kleuren, achtergrond, enz.; Titeltekst, kleuren, achtergrond, etc; en nog veel meer.

    Hoe te spelen "Anamnese Bingo Psych Kaarten Gratis Pdf"?

    Game Modes Supported:
    1. Paper Host: Print PDF calling card & calling slips and manually pick the slips.
    2. Paper Players: Print PDF bingo cards and manually mark the cards.
    3. Online Host: Click on Play button and select Host.
    4. Online Players: Click on Play button and select Player.
    5. Hybrid: Pick any combination above. For example, Host can be either Paper or Online. And players can be Paper or Online or a mix of both.
    How to Play Paper Bingo:
    1. Begin met het downloaden van de "Anamnese Bingo Psych" PDF door op de knop "Volledige PDF" hierboven te klikken.
    2. Open de PDF en druk deze af.
    3. Voor willekeurige trekking kunt u nog een exemplaar van de bellijst afdrukken, deze tijdens het spelen willekeurig knippen, vouwen en tekenen.
    4. Knip de bingokaarten op de snijmarkeringen als er meer dan 1 bingokaarten per pagina zijn.
    5. Verdeel één kaart per speler. Voor het markeren kunt u markers, pennen, potloden of kleurpotloden gebruiken. Kleurpotloden zijn het goedkoopst.
    6. Kies één persoon als beller. Als u in een kleine groep speelt, mag de beller ook met zijn eigen bingokaart meespelen.
    7. De beller begint het spel door willekeurig een woord uit de bellijst te kiezen en dit aan alle spelers bekend te maken.
    8. De spelers controleren hun kaarten om te zien of ze het genoemde woord hebben. Als ze dat doen, markeren ze dat woord.
    9. De eerste speler die een horizontale, verticale of diagonale lijn met gemarkeerde woorden voltooit, roept "Bingo!" en wint het spel.
    10. De beller controleert of de gemarkeerde woorden een correcte regel vormen volgens de bingokaart en de bellijst.
    11. Je kunt voor meerdere patronen spelen of voor een volledige kaartblack-out voor een uitgebreid spel.

    This Anamnese Bingo Psych Kaarten Gratis Pdf Spel contains following Woorden of zinnen: Bewustzijnsdaling, Concentratiestoornis, Geheugenstoornissen, Stoornissen in perceptueel motorische en executieve functies, Hallucinaties, Derealisatie / depersonalisatie, Gestoorde lichaamsbeleving, Incoherentie, Wanen, Ziekteangst, Obsessies, Euforie, Depressiviteit, Interesseverlies/ anhedonie, Suïcidaliteit, Gespannenheid/ prikkelbaarheid/ boosheid, Angst/ paniekaanvallen, Fobieën/ vermijdingsgedrag, Onverklaarde lichamelijke klachten, Seksuele disfuncties, Beperkingen in de sociaal-emotionele functies, Tics, Hyperactiviteit Eetbuien, Middelengebruik/ stoornis in, Compulsies, Impulsbeheersings- stoornis, Parafilieën, Beperkte, repetitieve gedragspatronen interesses of activiteiten.

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